Healthcare for Everyone

In Italy, urgent healthcare is provided to everyone, even to undocumented people. You have the same access rights to health services as Italians if you are an asylum seeker, a refugee, or if you have subsidiary protection status. Together with your family members, you must register with the Italian public healthcare system  (SSN – Sistema sanitario nazionale). The local public healthcare office (ASL – Azienda Sanitaria Locale or ASP – Azienda Sanitaria Provinciale) of the area in which you reside is where the registration is done. Once registered, you will receive a health card (Tessera Sanitaria) and have the following rights based on your needs: a family doctor (or pediatrician for children under 14 years old), specialized medical visits as needed, blood tests and vaccinations, hospitalization, and other various types of health treatments.

Even if you do not have a stable place where to stay or accommodation in a reception centre some NGOs (e.g., MEDU, Intersos, LHIVE, MSF – Medici Senza Frontiere) are specialized in healthcare of migrants and refugees, and they may be present where you live.

Mental Health

The Italian system has a dedicated network of assistance services for mental health that you can access through your medical doctor.


Services may vary depending on your place of living and health infrastructure. However we can help you to find general information and initial guidance to have access to specific services for disabled persons.

If you are require health assistance, BIMAS can help you based on your needs.

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