Legal aid in civil and administrative law

In 2001, the new legal aid system became applicable to all litigation matters, including civil and administrative law cases. The current legal aid system is available in all phases of litigation and before any court. Legal aid is available only in litigation.

Additionally, it is open to those who meet certain legal requirements that are objectively precise, including Italians, nationals of other countries, and stateless individuals.

Legal assistance is provided to non-citizens in criminal matters regardless of whether they are regularly present in Italy; residency in the nation is necessary in civil and administrative actions. Applications for legal aid in criminal cases are directed at the court hearing the case. In all other instances, the Bar, specifically the Council or governing body of the Bar of the district where the competent court is located, is contacted with the request.

If you are require legal aid in Italy and need assistance, BIMAS can help you based on your needs.

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